I know a very small girl who had a very large problem. Her problem was that she was always way too busy to go potty. A few weeks ago at Grammie’s house Roxie apparently couldn’t hold it anymore and told me that she needed to go potty. That got my attention speedy quick because she was sitting on my lap. I am very aware that in most cases if she’s asking to go potty, we are probably already in the danger zone because she probably needed to go half an hour ago. I’m also always a little concerned about my own time when she asks to go potty, because Roxie is a prolific recreational pooper. I truly believe she thinks the potty is her throne and she reins over all the land from it. She will sit on the potty for indefinite amounts of time long after she is done going potty. This one particular day I decided that I had a good hour before I need to go home, so I took her to the potty. Upstairs in the potty room there is a digital scale that Roxie must weigh on every time she goes in that place. She always hops on it before she gets on the potty. This particular day it read 30 lbs. I didn’t pay too much attention because I was trying to maneuver her Elmo under ware off of her and sit her on the big potty in such a way that her tiny hiney didn’t fall through. Fast forward half an hour and princess Roxie announces that she is finished so I, her loyal subject, must help her wipe and get her off the potty. As I’m wrestling her Elmo undies back on her bum she hops back onto the scale. Only this time it read 27 lbs. I made her weigh 3 times to be sure. That small child managed a 3 pound poop. I have to admit that I was truly amazed and not a little impressed.