Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holiday Curmudgeon

Not to be too much of a party pooper, but April Fool's day is one of my 3 least favorite holidays. Mostly because I'm a teacher. The holidays I hate most (in no particular order) are: April Fool's day because how many times can you hear kids say stupid stuff and then yell, "April Fool's!" (in the middle of class, mind you) and not want to kill them? The answer is not very many. St. Patrick's day because they all run around looking for people to pinch and insist on pinching even the ones that are wearing green. (Also in the middle of class.)  Finally, Halloween. Only when the day after Halloween is a school day, however. The kids stay up way too late and come to school sleep-deprived and hopped up on sugar.

P.S. For those of you that don't know what a curmudgeon is:
cur·mudg·eon (kr-mjn) n. An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.


Hillary said...

Amen and halleulah.

Plus, I don't like AP fourth grade teachers who tell everyone that they aren't allowed to even "pat" anyone who isn't wearing green. Cuz if they do they'll have to move their clip to RED, which means certain death, I'm sure.

And also plus, I went to Bunko on April fools and it was not my favorite. The lady didn't play by the rules at all. I'm a little bitter.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You should just stand by the door nad whack each student as they come in. I don't know why but that sounds like something a curmudgeon would do. It would be so fun!

Have a great St. George trip, you baby, leaving the snow behind. I will suffer extra for you.

foreverlaym said...

I thought it was funny when one of my students said, "Mrs. Layman, you're lucky that I didn't play an APril FOol's joke on you." And I thought to myself, "No, dude. YOU'RE lucky you didn't do it. I would have killed you."