Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure this is going to be my most favorite blog to date. It was definitely one of the funniest nights I've spent in a while.
I don't know how many of you know about the "Walking with the Dinosaurs" show they had at The Energy Solutions Center, but as soon as I saw the commercials, I really wanted to go. Why, I'm not sure because I've never really had any warm fuzzies toward dinosaurs before. Maybe it was because they were life size and I couldn't even imagine that. Anyway, I decided that it would be a little weird and not much fun to go by myself to something that everyone there will have their kid. After all, kids are the whole point of the show. Conveniently enough my friend Laurie happens to have 6 boys. One of which is 5 and pretty much my favorite. That kid makes me laugh. Laurie isn't opposed to rent-a-kid, so she let me take Kade. This is Kade and his cotton candy.

I thought I'd share with you a little bit of what that night was like. It went something like this:

Kade was a little nervous in the beginning because it was dark and a little creepy in that place. So he crawled up on my lap until he was quite sure the dinosaurs weren't going to be close enough to eat him. Out of habit I gave him a kiss on the back of his head. This conversation ensued:

Kade: I bet that is the first time you ever kissed a boy.

Shan: I wouldn't say the first time, Kade.

Kade: You've kissed lots and lots of boys. I bet you've kissed hundreds of them!

Shan: Not that I'm interested in having this conversation with you, but it has been more than one and many less than hundreds.

Kade: I knew you'd kissed lots of boys.

This conversation happened in the car on the way:

Kade: Shan, do you know how to play Candyland?

Shan: Yup. I used to play it all the time.

Kade. I own my mom when it comes to that game.

Again, in the car on the way home:

Kade: Shan, you work with my mom, huh? You are one of her consultants.

Shan: That's right, Kade. She teaches me how to be really good at selling Mary Kay.

Kade: Why don't you have a pink car like my mom?

Shan: Well, because I'm still learning how to be a really good consultant, but I'm earning my own free car. It's not pink like yours, though.

Kade: You should call my mom everyday because she can tell you how to be rich. Then you can have a pink car like mine.

The funny thing is that he was right on the mark with that one. This last conversation took place in the car on the way home:

Kade: Shan, do you think I could beat a T-rex if I fought him?

Shan: I don't know, Kade. They are pretty huge and mean.

Kade: Well, what if I had two swords and I knew how to do Kung Fu?

Shan: In that case, you'd beat him for sure

Kade: Shan, if a T-rex ever tries to hurt you, you call me and I'll protect you. You're my friend.

Shan: Thanks, Kade. You really are a good friend.

Kade: I'll wash your car too.

I really thought I was talking to Junie B. Jones most of the night. If you don't know who that is, then you should probably read her books. She's definitely my favorite fictional 5 year old.


Joanie said...

Great post... love the dialog! Aren't kids great?

Hillary said...

It's about time! I thought you got dead and forgot to tell me. (Thanks for posting)

That Kade child is a riot. He should marry Ruby. Lets set that up.