Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where's Hank?

In one of my very first blogs I mentioned that Hank is always getting shut up in my closet because he cannot be in the presence of an open door and not run through it. I spend much of my time wondering where Hank is and having to do a mental inventory of all the doors I've opened in the last half hour. I've started collecting photos of all the places I find my cat when I can't find my cat. I want you to take note of the grumpy face he has in many of the photos. All I have to say to Hank about that is that I'm not the one who askes him to crawl into weird places and be forgotten.
This next one is a new place, even for Hank. He is obsessed with Q-Tips and tampons, so I believe that's why he's in my Q-Tip drawer.
You are correct. That is frozen corn behind his bum and tater tots below his feet. He was one cold kitty.
This photo made me laugh because there is virtually no food in my fridge, but a 20 pack of Diet Coke. I've got my priorities right, I tell you.

For Hillyerie that expressed concern over Hank "coming out of the closet", I think I've got much bigger problems what with him "coming out" out of so many other things. I'm not even sure what that means since I had his little boy parts removed of a couple of weeks ago.


Joanie said...

What a funny cat! (Oh, wait, that is redundant!) I love all these photos... and his grumpy expression!

Hillary said...

You can has some serious issues. You should take all your money and get him therapy. I miss having a cat. I have a Max instead. Not sure if I made the right choice some days. Hmmmph.

foreverlaym said...

I'm not even gonna' comment on the cat. All I can say is that by the looks of what's in your fridge (Diet Coke and nothing else), you need to go grocery shopping!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

The FREEZER? Good grief. I hope you alwasy know where he is before leaving for work. Kitty frozen pot pie is not tasty. I LOVED all the photos.