Friday, January 9, 2009

Ikea Plumber

It is the end of the semester at school and it is not my favorite. Let me give you a glimpse of what my life looks like at school these days.

This, in addition to having to deal with about 200 fourteen year olds everyday, makes me realize that I'm quite possibly insane. It's like the chicken and the egg debate. Am I crazy for choosing to do this everyday, or did doing this everyday make me crazy? Either way, I'm crazy and I've been feeling it this week. I have a student teacher that will be taking over my classes in a week and all I have to say about that is, "bless her heart."

Plus, also, my Shelly friend and I went to Ikea tonight. We didn't really go for shopping, but to give out some Mary Kay samples and meet some people that want to play Mary Kay with us. We actually had a most wonderful time. Shelly makes me laugh until my belly hurts and I have to go pee. We found this birthday cake hat and I think I'm looking pretty hot in it.

They also had hats with fruit on them and one that looked like a blooming flower pot. I never knew that Ikea was such a cool place to hang out in on a Friday night. We wandered around for over 2 hours and met some really fun people. However, when we got there I was staving because at school I have to eat lunch so flipping early in the day. We went up to the cafeteria meatball place for some dinner. As a side note, I'd never had the meatballs before, and I loved them. Anyway, Shelly and I are just enjoying out meals and then a plumber sat down at the table across from me. How do I know he's a plumber, you ask?...

The pointer is my Shelly friend. I saw on the news that the biggest full moon of 2009 will be tomorrow night, but I'm pretty sure I already saw it tonight at Ikea.


Jessica said...

Wow. It looks like my kids only MUCH bigger. And not nearly as cute.

P.S. I love your Grammar Lady sign. You should put my picture on it.:)

Hillary said...

Woah, what a nice view you had, and meatballs to boot. You are truely the luckiest lady in all the land. Plus also, I love IKEA.

Shelly & Danny said...

Pretty much I am wondering how an evening like that can be topped?....It's worth figuring out:) Let's have another Friday Night with Ikea and Meatballs. yum...meatballs.