Sunday, October 4, 2009

St. George

On my way to St. George on Friday I took this photo from the car window:

How beautiful is that?! 

My trip to St. George went well.  I felt honored to be there and grateful to say my good byes to Dad Ence.  The funeral was beautiful.  I was surprised by how difficult it all was for me.  I think I've figured out why.  I believe it was because I could feel Dad Ence's spirit so strongly during the funeral and the graveside services, and the last time I felt that feeling was at my brother, Larry's funeral.  I remember not wanting to leave the funeral when Larry died because I knew that he'd leave and I'd never feel him like that again.  It was like he was there with me.  If I could stay in that building, then maybe he'd stay there with me forever.  Just like with Larry, I knew Dad Ence was there and I desperatly wished that I'd seen him before he passed away.  He was so sick for a while before his death and I was afraid of being a burden on the family, so I stayed away.  I'll not make that mistake again.

On a happier note, Mom Ence invited me to come back for Thanksgiving.  She even told me I could have my very own gravy boat because it is my favorite.  Who can say no to that?


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

First of all that photo is amazing. And from the car window? You must be talented indeed to recogonize and act when you see beauty.

Second, I'm glad you get to have your own gravy boat on Thanksgiving. You will be a great guest.

Hillary said...

You are such a pleasure Shan. I would LOVE to have you for Thanksgiving or any other day for that matter.

Here's a thought:
You should speak at my Moms funeral for me.

I am too bawly at funerals to notice the spirit of the passer by-er. You are very intune.

Jessica said...

I am so glad you got to go. And I'm so glad you got to spend time with the Ences and that you get to go back. Only I already told you all that. But, I really am. Plus also, I love you, which I already told you, too, but I do. And I'm sad for your sadness. And, that picture is fantastic.