Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Public Service Announcement


I guess you could read this book if you want to hear a pitiful story about a 7 year old boy that is beaten so badly on a regular basis that he almost dies.  I am team teaching a class with another teacher at my school and she wanted to know what we should teach next.  I've never taught 7th grade so I asked her what she usually teaches 'cause she's taught for about 30 years.  She said The Lottery Rose.  I'd never read it so I said, "Okay, but I should probably read it before I try to teach it to the kids."  I've found that it usually works out better that way.  So, Sunday I read it.  I didn't love all the yucky stuff, but I told myself it'd be okay because it had to end happy, right?  Nope.  In fact it got worse...there is a little retarded boy in it that the abused boy, Georgie, absolutely loves.  The only person he's ever really loved.  (I'm going to tell you what happens because you should never read it, anyway.)  The little retarded boy dies!!!!!  Not only that but they never tell us if anybody ever loves Georgie enough to take him home or something.  It just ends.  My feelings at the end of this book put Petey in "Touched by an Angel" to shame.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You are the best! I do NOT want to read that book. Why does that other teacher want the kids to know about that kind of sadness? Kids that age are already going through tough times, they don't need to be thrown into a pit of horribleness. (Is that a word?)

Thank you for your great contribution to my well being! I love your guts and your heart too.

Amber said...

Things like that just don't inspire kids to read more. It just creeps them out. I agree, I wouldn't read it. I am glad you did, so I don't have to. :D

Hillary said...

I'm glad to know about that rotten book. And I'm also glad that you told my the ending so I won't read it because you know, I might have.

I just LOVE those kind of endings *cough*NicholasSparks*cough*