Friday, March 13, 2009

Duck, Duck...

Yesterday at school Amy says to me, "You need to come to my house and look at my new shelves Johnny made for me. (Only his name is really Randy and only she can call him Johnny.) They still need to be painted and you can help." She said that last part in a way that only Tom Sawyer could say it to make it sound fun. She didn't fool me, but I love her very guts and I really did want to see the shelves her Johnny-on-the-spot made.

Only this... I got to her house and she was not in it. She was across the street and she told me to come and see the ducks. Perhaps she was mistaken. She's no farm girl and she lives in town homes what that don't have duck accommodations. I guess you don't have to have duck accommodations in order to have actual ducks:
This duck friend hung out in my hoodie.
This is Kisen. Only I don't think you spell his name that way. He is the owner of the ducks.

I think they are a little confused about feeding time.

If these were my ducks, I'd name them Frankie and Mack, I believe.
I finally got around to helping Amy with her shelves:
My help was more of the moral kind and less of the physical kind.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Nursing ducks? Honestly Shan, that is the funniest thing I have seen in a l-o-n-g time. And that Amy. Willing to be a nursemaid like that. I've always loved her but now I see my love was not in vain. What a girl.

Moral help is the best kind.

Hillary said...

I would love you to come and watch me work just about any day of the week. Plus, can I have that Randy fellow? I just need him for some building shoe shelves in my closet. Maxi doesn't believe I need some of those things, since he probably doesn't know all the amount of shoes I actually have. It's quit a lot.

As cute as they are, why does she have 2 duckies in a townhouse? I'm a bit concerned about that lady.

Jessica said...

I love those duckies. I love them, I love them. I want to snuggle their softie bodies on my cheek and kiss their little heads. Oh, and nice shelves, too.
P.S. One tiny princess who lives at my house loves the "sweet kitty" on your blog. Just FYI.