Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday...the loveliest of all the days

Today was a perfect Saturday. I slept until forever and then lounged around the house until I was good and ready to shower. I left my house around 11:30 in the a.m. and headed out to Spanish Fork. My school friend, Mary, just had a baby and that Amy girl and I told her we'd love to come and see him today. Only Amy and her phone are not best friends and she let it die and I couldn't get a hold of her. Lucky for me, she lives close to that Mary and I just dropped by unannounced. However, Much to my chagrin, we couldn't see the baby because he is all yellow like a daffodil and has to lay in lights all the time. I love Mary, but I told her I'd not bother to come and see her if I couldn't hold the baby. She understood and told me so.

With the day before us, Amy and I decided to head to Ikea because lo, and behold, they finally had my chairs in and my table has been lonely without them. Now, for the moment you've all held vigil waiting for: In order to really appreciate the wonderfulness of this chair, I will give you a closer look at that cushion:

The color isn't so good, but it's pink with polka dots and flowers. They cost as much as the chair, but was I supposed to do, I ask you?

Of course, Hank was the first one to try out their cushiony goodness.

This is the first supper ever eaten on my new table. Amy and I brought the food home and then had to put the chairs together before we could sit down to eat it. That's some motivation for speedy quickness. FYI, if you ever find yourself in Payson, USA and you have a grumbly tummy, I'd go to the Wildflower Grill. Those are homemade fries you are looking at. Like they were actual not frozen ever potatoes just moments before being cooked. The only drawback to the Wildflower Grill is that you can actually hear your arteries slamming shut as you eat it. Sometimes that is a small price to pay for homemade potatoes.

Amy and I finished off my perfect Saturday watching Beaches. I love that Bette Midler. In fact, for all of you that have been up at night wondering what wonderful thing you could do for Shan, I highly recommend tickets to see Bette Midler in Vegas. Next to my trip to NYC to see Wicked with Kesk in October, it's my wildest dream come true. I'll be sure and act surprised when you show up to whisk me away to the concert.


Jessica said...

What a lovely day. And what even lovelier chairs. And what even lovelier lovelier cushions. I did taxes all day. I would have preferred IKEA, too.

P.S. Rox just took herself to the potty. I love big girls!

Hillary said...

I wou'da bought those cushions too. You HAD to it was the law.

I wouldn't ever turn down an invite to that Wildflower place. I go there with my Bonnie friend, except for that is where I ALWAYS want to go with her and I think she is tired of that place. She's just a little bit crazy so I might be looking for a new Wildflower friend. You know, I never went there when I actually lived in Payson. Go figure.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You and that Amy. Always doing something fun. Hank is the king, isn't he?

And, Shan, drinks should not be blue. They should be clear. Maybe blue is better than brown. Who wants to drink brown liquid? Yowee. Brown liquid. What was Coca Cola thinking?

You have the life, Ikea, babies of the yellow hew--although I realize you didn't actually get to see her--and NYC to see Wicked? What a life.

Amber said...

I, too, am a huge IKEA fan. I built all my kitchen cabinets with them. I even have the same chairs as you. Different table, though. You are now a master IKEA builder. What a skill to have.