I'm beginning to wonder about myself. Some of you may have been wondering about me for years. Well, I'm just getting around to it and this is what I'm wondering: why on earth am I turning into a big bawl baby? Is it because I'm becoming less calloused in my old age? It could be hormones, only I'm pretty sure I've had them my whole life. Maybe it's my punishment for hating romantic comedies all these years. What ever it is, I'm not in love with it. I have been in denial that it is a problem until today and I can't deny it any more. I've been toodling around the house cleaning and organizing and mostly wandering from room to room wondering why I went in there in the first place. Having lived by myself forever, I like to have the TV on for company a lot. The Simpsons came on and I really didn't pay too much attention to it at first. It was one that I've seen many times. Homer and Marge are telling Lisa and Bart about how Homer was so upset about baby Maggie being born because he had to quit his dream job at the bowling ally. At the end, when Homer gets a look at that little baby Maggie he falls in love with her and goes back to the nuclear power plant. Lisa asks Homer why, if he loves Maggie so much, there aren't any photos of her in the family photo album. He tells her he has them where he needs them most. Then it show his office place and plastered all over the walls are photos of that little Maggie. I cried. Who in their right mind cries at the Simpsons?
That plaque used to say "Don't forget, you're here forever." Sometimes that Homer gets it right.On a happier non-bawly note. I ran into a bunch of zoo animals and their zoo keepers at the mall on Saturday. I didn't actually run into them so much as I went there specifically to see them.
Did you know that Zebras happen to love french fries?
This little animal loves her chicken...
...and lettuce, and pretty much everything on her and everyone else's plate. She may look small, but she can really pack it away.
A pizza eating monkey.
One of the zoo keepers making nice with one of the animals. I had a photo of the other zoo keeper named Bubba, only he told me I couldn't post it because he was opening his mouth huger than huge to put food in it. I will improvise and use a body double:
I hope he is happy that he didn't let me use the photo I wanted to.
Zebra likes to dance with mannequins. I don't have anything else to say about that. I think the photo says enough.
Plus, also, I have a shoe problem, but it is not contained to only myself. I have always had a problem with wanting to buy shoes for all the above mentioned animals. It is Spring time and that means summer is next and that means they need summer shoes. Christian got some sandals, Ashton chose some pretty amazing green flip flops, and Roxie chose these:
It really doesn't get any sweeter than that.This photo just makes me laugh because this is after we tried on her new shoes and put her old socks and shoes back on. Only, silly me, I thought she'd carry around her new shoes until I could pay for them. She had other plans. She wore them out of the store and we didn't even have to put her on the counter and scan her feet.
I think I'll go find something else to cry about. Like maybe mean old House. He's on TV right now. I bet that Lynne is watching because that's what she does.
Just stop a minute & think. You might figure who you take your bawling after. The bad part it don't get any better.
Everybody needs a good cry now and then. "Tears are to the soul as soap is to the body." I can't remember for sure but it might be a Jewish proverb. It's your tender spirit that made you weepy.
And I WAS watching House upstairs but Phil was ready to watch our NetFlix movie and so, during commercials I dashed downstairs to push the record button and some program was already being recorded. Since we had the OLD DVR we can only record one thing at a time. I was peeved. I clicked the TV on to see what was being recorded and it was "House." Imagine that.
I'm telling you, that episode of the Simpsons made me cry, too.
On a happier note, isn't my husband all sorts of hotness? Now everyone who sees your blog can wallow in green envy. :)
Thanks for the animals' shoes. They are quite proud of them. And funny Roxie getting her toes all mixed up. I love it.
Plus also, I think I'm still more bawly than you. But when I cry, I'm accused of drooling.
At least you and little Jessica aren't accoused of doing the "MOO COW" when you cry. Yep, That is how bad I am, and how nice my family is. I am convinced that I am alergic to saddness, and that is why I cry so much. I cried at the stupid hymn on Sunday, and it wasn't even a bad one. Is it wrong to call a Hymn "Stupid"
On a side note, I asked someone how to spell "stupid" once. It wasn't that long ago.
Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT ever watch a Nicholas Sparks movie. Or read one of his books for that matter.
Plus, I would have cried at that Simpson's too.
And those zoo creatures are very pale and scrawnie for having such a beefy dark dad.
Are you coming to the zoo on Thursday?
Plus also, I just want you to know that I just finished reading Little Britches to the kids and sobbed my eyeballs right out of my head. Ashton and Christian just looked at me like I had grown donkey ears and Rox climbed up on me and grabbed my face in her tiny hands and yelled, "No! Stop reading, Mom! Stop it!" over and over. Can't a mom cry when Ralph's dad dies and Ralph hears his dad's voice in his little head saying, "So long, partner. So long, partner."? I'm a little weepy right now, I tell you. And I might just sob if I wouldn't be scolded by my bossy 2 year old...
I don't even know who you are anymore. Sad. Very sad.
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