Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How Many Shan's Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?...

...It only takes one, but she has to be very tricky.
My house has very tall ceilings. I'm not sure how tall exactly. What I do know is that they are tall enough that a chair is not even close to good enough when a light bulb needs changing. A couple of days ago a light bulb in my bathroom burned out. Unfortunately, the bathroom is one of those places that you need to have all the light you can get so that when you put your makeup on, you don't look like Tammy Faye Bakker when you are done. If you didn't grow up in North Carolina with the Bakkers, or if you happen to not have spent a lot of time in the 80s watching tele-evangelists, then here is a photo to illustrate my point:Nobody wants to look like that. So, I'm faced with the dilemma of how to change the light bulb. You might say, "Use a ladder. What are you, daft?" To you I'd say that I don't have one. So, I'm pondering my dilemma when I see my brand new Ikea table. I've got to put it to good use now that I have it. I drag that thing into the bathroom, thinking how smart I am, and once I had it situated exactly where I wanted it, I looked at my work and this is what I saw:
I have to tell you that I laughed right out loud. The kind of laugh that even though you are all alone, you still look around to see if anyone is listening because it is embarrassing how loud you just laughed. I think this is what you do if you are serious enough about your eating that you don't want to take a potty break.

Even though this may not be best light bulb changing option, it sure beats what I used to do:


Amber said...

Hmmmm. I am having all kinds of thoughts on things that could be done in that bathroom. The ultimate in multi-tasking. You are a genius! BTW, that last picture is scaring me.

Unknown said...

You better be careful baby girl. Didn't your Mama teach you better than to climb on a trap like that last picture. It might be better to look like Tammy Faye than break your neck.

Joanie said...

Oh, Shan, PLEASE buy a ladder! This just looks too dangerous (chair on trunk... table... not so dangerous).

I love laughing at myself! Glad you do too.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Now I think you have a great idea. You could eat or work on your computer and if you get the stomach flu you could get lots of work done.

But that chair on a trunk? Are you serious?! Good grief. No wonder you had a wonky shoulder. A wonky head sat right above it! Don't do that again.

foreverlaym said...

Okay, thank you for not doing any of that trapeze stuff when we were roommates. It would have freaked me out.

And I think that it's pretty presumptuous of you to say that nobody wants to look like Tammy Fae. Obviously, she did. So there are probably others. Please consider their feelings. :)

Jessica said...

Wow. I have to agree with your Mama. Tammy Faye is better than a broken neck.

Hillary said...

When is your birthday? I think you need an actual ladder for your house. I think even climbing on a very sturdy IKEA table is not so very smart. I would love your guts not to be broken, I'm just saying.