Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Things I Worry about when I Should be Sleeping

1. I hope I don't forget my lunch in the fridge tomorrow morning. It's a yummy lunch and I'll sure be hungry if I do.

2. Oh, Shoot. I forget to put the attendance in the computer before I left school today. Julie is not going to be happy with me. I bet I'll get one of those not-so-friendly emails tomorrow morning reminding everyone to put in their attendance everyday when I know it's just for me.

3. I wonder what I'm going to wear tomorrow? I'm not so sure I have too much clean.

4. Once the red gas light comes on in my car, I wonder how long I can go before I have to get gas? I've got to go to Spanish Fork tomorrow, I bet I can get there. I hope I can get there. We'll see if I can get there.

5. What if I can't fall asleep? I've got to get up early and if I don't sleep, I'll hate tomorrow.

6. I'm almost out of milk.

7. I haven't gotten any mail the last few days. I should go over to the Eaves and see if they have my mail at their house.

8. I wonder why my cat is so big. I'm not sure if he's just a big cat or if he's getting fat. I only feed him 1/2 a cup a day. That's all I need is a fat cat. I guess it's not the end of the world to have a fat cat. Unless he gets dead from a teeny kitty heart attack. Then it's the end of the world for him.

9. I've got to get some money to register my car. It's to the point that they will tow it if I get caught. On the other hand, I'm sure an obedient, safe driver now. No need to draw attention to myself.

10. I hate it when my favorite TV shows come on at the same time. How am I supposed to pick?

11. Where's the best place to buy panty hose?

...and the list goes on and on. I don't worry about these things in the day when I'm supposed to worry about them. Nope, only at night.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I laughed right out loud at the fat cat worry. Panty hose? You worry about where to buy panty hose? Just get a suntan and go bare-legged.

I HATE that too. Favorite shows on at the same time. I obviously can't watch Heroes. It will be on a re-run, probably on the Sci-fi channel later in the year but I'll miss it, I'm sure because I'll forget to watch for it. And what is Flash Forward? I missed it and it's on again, tomorrow but at the same time as Monk.

Get gas before going to Spanish Fork. Phil plays that game and I drives me crazy--even if I'm not doing the driving.

Hillary said...

I have that TV show problem too only I had one thing recording and Max had one thing recording and I wanted to watch another thing, all at the same time. Who's do you think got deleted? Just between you and me, it wasn't my show. You should think of that stuff at a more reasonable time. It might help you sleep better. ;)

Jessica said...

The only conflict we ever have is So You Think You Can Dance and Wipeout. But we record both. Guess which one we watch first. You'll never guess.

And be honest. Hank Hank eats more than 1/2 cup a day. I happen to have photo-proof that he also eats bones from your table. :)