Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Have I Got a Deal for You!

I don't have a photo for this blog and for that I am truly sorry.  I will just tell you instead.  Today I was running an errand in Springville and I happened by a sign outside of a health clinic that said this, "Free Bandaid with Flu Shot."  I sure know where I'm getting my flu shot this year.  With those kinds of benefits, who wouldn't?  I never got bandaids with my shots before because who can afford it?  I've just always drip-dried.  Boy am I going to feel fancy this year. 

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I tell you, you can really spot the place that gives the extras. You're like that, all fancy and yet after a good bargain. You are my fancy-bargining guru. And there will be no bleeding as long as you are on the lookout for the good places to get shot.